January 2022, here we go!


We entered a new level, a level where we can improve our mindset, rewrite our goals and become the best version of ourselves. 

As we enter a new year, we choose to rewrite our goals. Setting goals is a good thing, even if you don't achieve them right away. Sometimes your goals seem so far away, but sometimes you need to dive deeper and be more specific, reprogram your mindset and feel the desire. That's when the real magic happens. 

Professional Workspace

Drepada is the first village where our first tote bags, headwraps and the concept of Talking Prints was born and really came to life. After the third year, the women of Drepada asked for a workspace. A space where they can work with reaaaaal (professional) sewing machines and big cutting tables. How the hell are we gonna pay for all of this? We barely made any profit. We start looking for grants. We strolled from door to door, knocked on a lot of doors but they kept closed. Talking Prints who???  

We put the idea of a professional workspace in the interior in the freezer for a little while, let it sit.

During the next 3 years we opened up the freezer, took our goal out, but after the rejections, we put it back in. One of the ladies of Drepada even asked: Is this workspace still coming or what?

Then Corona happened. A time where you can reflect and improve your business. Our dedication grew even stronger and we kept visualizing the workspace. And there it was! A new opening, a new mindset and a rewritten goal. We are going to build our first workspace in Drepada! 

7 new villages= new and more unique products

Be careful what you wish for! During a random brainstorm session, we visualize how cool it would be if we could roll out our concept in more villages in Suriname. Making unique products, creating more sustainable jobs for creative communities in Suriname!  

And there is Ms. Corona again! Crazy stuff happens when you are locked up! We got an opportunity to visit 7 new villages in the interior.

How the hell are we gonna manage all of this? Creating new products, learning the women how to make the products, and at the same time creating high-quality products (x7). Helppp!

We're gonna be honest. We freaked out a little but we have tried to focus, keep growing our dedication & desire, hold a fresh mindset, and have fun at the same time! 

And most important, we surround ourselves with creative, positive people that like to serve their community with us.

Do you have any tips and tricks you like to share with us? Drop a comment down below !


Pekula Starke

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